Have a look at your friens and think about them who are doing something with media. For example; Tim from Tilburg has a better online shop with less costs and a better service than many advertiser because he sells via eBay. Sven form Eindhoven gives faster and extensive response than the customer service of many organization because he uses Tweakers.
Let's now have a broader look and think about things you bumb into when you are using the Internet.You probably mention that Nu.nl loses scoops on Twitter and more people use Hyves (approximately 9.9 million) than live in Switzerland (approximately 7.3 million). Today the day it is all about community management.
Communication is not any more about sending and receiving. Online communication starts with listening. People and their opinions are everywhere and the advertiser is topic of the conversation; products are priced on Vergelijk.nl, assessed on Kieskeurig.nl, judged on Radar.nl and sold on Marktplaats.nl. Communication becomes more and more complicated, interaction with target groups is difficult and the attention and time advertisers receive turns down. At the moment there is an information overload. Consumers become more and more aware of time constraints and media use is often more fragmented. It is all about what the customer fascinates; with other words their interests are leading!
Internet is a big source of information and the advertiser stands right in the middle. How do we know where, who, what, how and why anybody talks about anybody?
To excel at this online web it is important that someone creates order in the online community mess. The need for someone who really maximizes earned media presence and build and maintenance the community. This all to obtain a footprint within different forms of social media. Furthermore, responding to trends of the target group, occurring as question-answer machine and boosting discussions within social media are other factors which have to be realized.